"All alone! Whether you like it or not, alone will be something you'll be quite a lot... And when you're alone, there's a very good chance you'll meet things that scare you right out of your pants.There are some, down the road between hither and yon, that can scare you so much you won't want to go on. But on you will go though weather be foul, on you will go though your enemies prowl. On you will go though the Hakken-Kraks howl. Onward up many a frightening creek, though your arms may get sore and your sneakers may leak. You'll get mixed up of course as you already know.You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with great care and great tact. And remember that life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left."
(Seuss, Oh,The Places You'll Go!)
Dr. Seuss-- I owe so much to his amazing imagination and talent for rhyme, but I'll never meet him this side of heaven; he'll never know my gratitude for mixing wise words with whimsical wonders. His genius grows children with efficacious outcomes, and he continues to inspire the masses for centuries to come. Inspiration that evokes hope and healing should always be celebrated.
One mom/writer was so inspired she penned this great poem last spring called, How the Virus Stole Easter with a nod to Dr. Seuss. Other authors continue his legacy through their own "Seuss-twisted" books, like Bonnie Worth's plethora of "Cat and the Hat" series stories available today.
We may be inspired to pen another allegory : "How the Ginchy-Virus stole Christmas," but I would argue that Seuss would take another approach. Children's books provide a more peaceful platform to gently open our eyes, so I will humbly attempt to do the same...
Oh, the Things You'll Hear at Christmas!
We once got our info through hands cupped like phones.
We'd whisper or shout to pass news through our cones.
A word or two missed, or the whole story changed.
Whether truth, tale, or tattle, it could all be rearranged.
You never knew if this way or that way was up.
You never knew what actually happened to the old Crumpit's pup.
Today our news is still obtained with our hands.
But now it's a screen that's attached to our lands.
At once we absorb with more than ears and our eyes.
Now this method alters our deepest insides.
Flesh-eating bacteria, virus, or black death,
there's always something coming that takes away your breath.
There are some living life fuller than ever before.
While others feel alone in their empty cold stores.
There must be a way to know left from your right.
Something true and pure regardless of light.
Some see this year as a gift from above
because they've known hardship that ended in love.
Love is a thing that can always hold true.
If it's love that surpasses all that you knew.
Did you hear of that couple without hospital bed?
The couple whose family didn't rejoice when they wed?
Their baby came quickly without celebration.
No aunty, nor cousins were allowed visitation.
Gifts weren't given until three men had traveled for years,
But that night was still joyous despite any fears.
What could be heard as a terrible start,
was actually a birth that played a huge part.
Part of a story whose ending looked rather bleak,
but the reality was power wrapped up in the meek.
Whether alone in a bed or a box made of hay,
There's more to what's heard than what people say.
No one's alone this year, even if on a shelf.
That's why Jesus was born -to give us himself.
Without bells, without whistles, without trappings or trees.
Joy comes through even death despite health or our needs.
When you hear of the pains, mourn together as one.
But remember to rejoice with a new morning sun.
Perhaps things are more than what they appear.
Perhaps, Christmas is at it's best because of this year.
~Carefully Careless Seuss Christmas