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Pump the breaks

Katie Smith

Unless you are an adrenaline junky or a professional rider/runner, you'll find that you naturally pump the brakes when descending downhill. If not, you'll chance a pretty decent crash when you roll, run, or ride too quickly on a decline.

You use brakes so that you don't break.

I tend to pump my own brakes whenever something new starts rolling or barrelling into my peripheral. Smart phones, social media, workout plans, healthcare recommendations... I hesitate running towards all of this and more. Basically I brake for anything that isn't "God-ordained."

But why?

Even things that are good, pleasant, and enjoyable become fast fads that fade or dim the light of faith if you aren't cautious at first glance. This doesn't mean you have to live in the isolated backwoods or exclude all scientific or medical advances in your life.

Instead, you hesitate even for a moment in order to let the dust settle. That way you can see clearly to know whether you grabbed the "gag bag" in your excitement or the real gift. Eagerness and zeal for a new toy isn't wrong, but sometimes you find there is a better suited present for your specific passions and purposes because you paused long enough to notice it.

When everyone races to the obvious answer, the student who halts and takes a minute to analyze the word problem will actually discover the correct answer, which earns him the real reward. Similar to the contestants on The Amazing Race all taking the same crowded route and stumbling to the finish line, but the couple who looked outside the box, found the faster and easier avenue through a moment of contemplation.

Even if you do decide to buy the new technology first, walk into the brand new fitness center first, or follow the first doctor's orders, a time of pumping your brakes will give you the proper lense so that you can see the path clearly. Time, energy, and treasures won't last forever. Phones break, medicines stop working, and new fads quickly replace the old ones in a week's time. But the one who turns to the Lord will be blessed eternally.

"Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never ever fails to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8

We "pumped" our brakes a bit on buying a house, and thankfully have the opportunity to rent for a while. When the "dust" settles, hopefully we can see where God would have us settle in the next chapter of our story..... In the meantime we are still running downhill with our brakes intact.

~Carefully Carelessly Braking

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